WHEN? From: 6pm, 29th (sat) To: 10am, 30th May (sun) 2010
WHERE? MSN Training Stadium, Bukit Jalil
WHY? In aid of National Cancer Society Malaysia
It’s 16 Hours You’ll Never Forget!
The National Cancer Society of Malaysia’s Relay For Life is a high-spirited event where everyone in the community can join in the fight against cancer. It is a day filled with fun, comradeship and festivities. It is a time when people you know and people you don’t know team up to raise public awareness about cancer in the community and to raise funds to find the cure.
Sparked by One Man’s Hope
Relay For Life began in 1985 in Tacoma, Washington when Dr. Gordon Klatt walked for 24 hours to raise money for the American Cancer Society. He raised $27,000 that first year. Since then, Relay For Life events around the world have raised a billion dollars to support programmes aimed at eliminating cancer.
Building a Team and More
To participate in Relay For Life, you recruit friends, family, coworkers and neighbours to join you in a Relay team. In the weeks leading up to the event, each team member raises money by collecting pledges. On Relay Day, team members take turns walking around the track to ensure that someone is on the track at all times. We don’t sleep that night because cancer never sleeps.
In addition to the team members who are walking the track, hundreds of other participants camp out, and together, create a community party atmosphere. Relay For Life is a great team builder for businesses and other organizations.
Celebration and Inspiration
Each Relay For Life starts with the Survivors’ Lap, a testimony to the fact that so many people today are surviving cancer. Cancer survivors from the community walk the first lap around the track to celebrate their victories while everyone else cheers them on.
The most inspirational time of Relay is the Luminaria Ceremony which happens at dusk when we honour cancer survivors and remember those who have lost their battle with the disease. A luminaria is a small bag filled with sand holding a small candle. When the candle is lit, the luminaria casts a warm, golden glow.
Each luminaria bears the name of a person who has battled cancer. All the luminarias are placed side-by-side in the in-field around the track. After sunset, all the luminarias are lit and remain lit throughout the night to light the way for the walkers and to create a path of hope.
Relay For Life is also a celebration of caregivers who also often find hope at Relay. These individuals give their time, love and support to friends, family and neighbours who face cancer. At Relay, everyone understands the challenges and joys of being a caregiver.
Walking Our Talk
Every Relay For Life is a tobacco-free event. Relay For Life also gives the National Cancer Society of Malaysia the opportunity to ‘walk our talk’ and show the community how easy it is to follow our cancer prevention guidelines.
For participation and support
‘RELAY FOR LIFE’ HOTLINE: 03-2692 7705
NCSM Resource & Wellness Centre 03-2698 7300
E-mail: rfl@cancer.org.my
Web Site: www.cancer.org.my

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